Saturday, December 21, 2013

Nuts for nuts - by Arbel Kodesh Alumni

Today we woke up early and met our Israeli friends. They were introduced and brought into the room as if it was some game show that we won. Or lost… Just kidding – we won.
After we were given our new friends, we took them to the Western Wall and showed them what it was all about. 5,000 years ago, that’s where it all happened. We were assigned to walk around and find an assigned partner a 10 Sheckel gift. That’s when we bumped into a guy selling nuts. Here were some of his finest quotes:
“Are you nuts for nuts?”
“We love south Korea!” (To a random Asian lady)
“Finest nuts in Israel!”
“Are you laughing at me? You should be ashamed.”
Later in the evening we returned to the Kotel for some old-fashioned praying. We met a Rabbi named Simcha, who explained that the Western Wall is the gate to heaven. He said this is where all the prayers from the world go and it’s the best place to be to be closest to God:
“Normally I wouldn’t do this but I drank a little too much so I’m going to talk to you guys. (To Shauli) Are you in charge? Is it Okay if I take over? I’m going to just take over.”
At night we returned to the hotel and everyone exchanged gifts. It was a great time and everyone enjoyed their gift and bonded… Except for Arbel… He got no gift…


Arbel Kodesh
Stanford University
Yaron's response - Geeeeee, I was sick.. I will buy you a gift in Tel Aviv, OK? 

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