Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The first day in Israel - written by Spencer Neff of Purdue Universit

The first day in Israel on my Birthright Trip was one that I would consider to be very enjoyable. Our day started off with a bus ride to Banias Falls, where we took part in an hour-long nature walk. It was a great experience being able to walk along the falls and witness the beauty of the site. 

Mor - Our beautiful (but tough) paramedic

Excited for the hike

Blake's Birkat Ha'derech

Human Israel map

First picture with everyone!!!

After Banais Falls, our group traveled to Kiryat Shmona for lunch.
On the road...
After lunch came a drive to Kiryat Shmona and the Boutique Hagalil Winery.  It was interesting to see and taste not only the finished products from the winery, but also learn about the effort that goes into the production process.


 Finally, our tour of Northern Israel for the day ended with a spectacular view from the Golan heights , overlooking the bordering nation of Syria, Lebanon and Mount Hermon.
Amazing view along the way (Metula on the bottom)
Freezing in the snow

 After a long day touring Israel, our bus returned to the Pki ’In for dinner and a viewing of various portrayals of Israel via the American media. After a great first day in Israel, I am excited to see what is in store for us over the next eight days as we journey through this great nation.  

Spencer Neff
Purdue University

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